
Teller County Elected Officials

Assessor - Carol Kittleson

The office of the Assessor is established under Section 8 Article XIV of the Colorado Constitution. According to Title 30 of the Colorado Revised Statutes, the duties of the Assessor are to:
   • Certify total valuation for assessment of all taxable property in Teller County
   • Certify a list of owners of record for taxable real and personal property, when required
   • Discover omitted assessable property
   • Designate property in any municipality
   • Receive appropriate documents and maintain accurate records

Contact Info
PO Box 1008 / 101 W. Bennett Ave
Cripple Creek, CO 80813
Phone: 719.689.2941    Fax: 719.689.0988
Clerk and Recorder - Stephanie Kees
The office of the Clerk and Recorder is established under Section 8 Article XIV of the Colorado Constitution. Duties of the Clerk and Recorder include:
   • Chief Election Official in Teller County
   • Agent of the State of Colorado for Motor Vehicle titling and licensing
   • Official recorder of property and other legal documents for Teller County
   • Agent of the the State of Colorado for issuing marriage licenses
   • Clerk to the Board of County Commissioners for Teller County

Contact Info
PO Box 1010 / 101 W. Bennett Ave
Cripple Creek, CO 80813
Phone 719.689.2951    Fax 719.686.8030 
Commissioner, District 1 - Dan Williams

The Board of County Commissioners is an administrative and policy-making body for Teller County as delegated by the Colorado General Assembly. The Commissioners are elected by voters to represent the three districts in Teller County. The three-member Board of County Commissioners is the main policy-making body in the County and works to represent the interests of the citizens of the county at local, state, and national levels. Commissioners are elected at large from one of three geographic districts for four-year staggered terms. Commissioners are limited to serving two four-year terms.

Contact Info
PO Box 959 / 112 N. "A" Street
Cripple Creek, CO 80813
Phone 719.689.2988    Fax 719.686.7900
Marc D
Commissioner, District 2 - Bob Campbell

The Board of County Commissioners is an administrative and policy-making body for Teller County as delegated by the Colorado General Assembly. The Commissioners are elected by voters to represent the three districts in Teller County. The three-member Board of County Commissioners is the main policy-making body in the County and works to represent the interests of the citizens of the county at local, state, and national levels. Commissioners are elected at large from one of three geographic districts for four-year staggered terms. Commissioners are limited to serving two four-year terms.

Contact Info
PO Box 959 / 112 N. "A" Street
Cripple Creek, CO 80813
Phone 719.689.2988    Fax 719.686.7900
Dave Paul
Commissioner, District 3 - Erik Stone

The Board of County Commissioners is an administrative and policy-making body for Teller County as delegated by the Colorado General Assembly. The Commissioners are elected by voters to represent the three districts in Teller County. The three-member Board of County Commissioners is the main policy-making body in the County and works to represent the interests of the citizens of the county at local, state, and national levels. Commissioners are elected at large from one of three geographic districts for four-year staggered terms. Commissioners are limited to serving two four-year terms.

Contact Info
PO Box 959 / 112 N. "A" Street
Cripple Creek, CO 80813
Phone 719.689.2988    Fax 719.686.7900
Norm S
Coroner - Stephen Tomsky

The Office of County Coroner is an elective office mandated by C.R.S. 30-10-601. The Coroner documents the cause and manner of all Teller County deaths.

Contact Info
Sheriff - Jason Mikesell

The Sheriff's Office is the chief law enforcement agency for Teller County by Colorado statute. The Sheriff's Office investigates criminal matters and operates and maintains the Teller County Jail.

Contact Info
PO Box 27 / 11400 W. Hwy 24
Divide, CO 80814
Phone 719.687.9652    Fax 719.687.1202
sheriff mikesell
Surveyor - Eric Simonson

The county surveyor: 
• Represents the county in boundary disputes
• Notifies the county attorney of any unsettled boundary disputes or boundary discrepancies within the county
• Files all surveys, field notes, calculations, maps, and any other records pertaining to work authorized and financed by the board of county commissioners (in the office of the county surveyor, or in the office of the county clerk and recorder if there is no office for the county surveyor in the county). The surveyor must number consecutively all surveys and all field notes and calculations pertaining to the surveys. The surveyor then endorses them with the number of the survey to which they pertain.

When authorized by the Board of County Commissioners, the surveyor can:
• Conduct surveys to establish county property boundaries, including road rights-of-way, or any other surveys necessary to the county
• Accept maps of surveys that establish monuments and keep a current record of all survey monuments within the county in order to file them
• Examine all survey maps and plats before the county clerk and recorder records them to insure proper content and form
• Conduct geodetic control surveys, vertical control surveys, or any surveys for geographic information systems
• Conduct or supervise construction surveys necessary to the county
• Provide reference monuments for or the remonumentation or monument upgrades of public land survey system monuments that county construction destroys

Contact Info
Phone 719.332.3620 

Treasurer / Public Trustee - Mark G. Czelusta

The Treasurer's Office is responsible for the collection and distribution of property tax. Property Tax statements are mailed in January of each year to the owner of record as it appears on the Tax Roll maintained by the County Assessor.

Contact Info
PO Box 367 / 101 W. Bennett Ave.
Cripple Creek, CO  80813
Phone 719.689.2985     Fax 719.689.0157